For a better tourist valorisation of our cultural heritage a support mechanism has been put in place for the conversion projects for the ksour and kasbahsinto authentic hotel accommodation establishments. This in favour of all the Regions of Morocco. This mechanism is the result of a partnership between SMIT and the Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development.

to the mechanism will allow to offer to future project promoters a grant from the Hassan II Fund up to 40% of the amount of the investment, with a maximum of 16 million DH per project. This subsidy is divided between (i) a contribution from the Fund at the rate of 50% in the form of equity contributions (shares in the capital of the parent companies, coupled where applicable with shareholder current accounts (SCA) and (ii ) a 50% contribution in the form of subsidies.

Also, and to improve the immediate environment of the ksour and kasbahs, an additional contribution in the form of a Non-Refundable Advance may be granted for the realization of IGA in the area of the Kasbah Project (contribution of 10 % of the Amount of the investment, capped at 3 Million DH per Project). The objective is being to encourage the private sector to take part in this initiative, the significant economic and social impact of which, in terms of job creation, income-generating activities, reduction of rural exodus and promotion of local products is considerable.