SMIT and its partners mobilize 1.5 billion dirhams for the tourist development of the destination of Agadir
A partnership agreement was signed, on July 16, 2021, between the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport, and Social Economy, the Wilaya of the Region of Souss Massa, the Council of Souss Massa Region and the Moroccan agency for tourism development (SMIT), for the development and the implementation of the infrastructures project for the Aghroud tourist area This partnership was concluded during the working visit to the city of Agadir made byout by Mrs. Nadia Fettah Alaoui, Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy and Mr. Imad Barrakad, Director General of SMIT.
Within the framework of an advanced regionalization, this agreement comes with an innovative strategic partnership approach that include where mutual efforts will be made for the development of tourism which has been defined as a shared competence by organic law n ° 111-14 relating to Regions. The partnership is therefore based on the one hand on shared financing between the SMIT (a government tool for the development of tourist investment) and the Region (territorial development tool) and on the other hand on the delegation by the SMIT on the management of the development and equipment of the Aghroud zone by a local entity in the form of a regional development company.
During the government visit directed by the Head of Government in 2018, the Wali of the Souss Massa Region announced the Aghroud area project as a structuring project of the tourism development plan for the Agadir destination.
Since this announcement, and in its role of initiating tourism investment, SMIT has taken the initiative to prepare the launch of this project. In partnership with the Wilaya, the Directorate of Domains and the Interior and Tourism Departments meticulous work has been done to clean up the land.
Indeed, in a close collaboration with local (Wilaya, Region, Urban Agency, etc.) and central (Tourism and Regional Planning departments) partners, SMIT undertook in 2019, a study on the development of the master plan for the tourist area of Aghroud. In addition, through its engineering mission, SMIT carried out the financial structuring of the project and led the negotiations for the fund raising from partners in a very difficult context of budgetary restrictions caused by the health crisis.
Thus, the object of the partnership, aims to finance and carry out the development and the implementation of the necessary infrastructure for the tourist development of the Aghroud siteon land belonging to SMIT with an area of 594ha, with the aim of to accelerate the construction of infrastructures in order to offer to future private investors aplots of land equipped with the necessary tools for the development of accommodation units and tourist activities.
This project responds to the need for tourist growth in the Agadir destination ,by providing it with new land bases for private tourist development, which will ensure a stronger tourist economy in accordance with the Royal Guidelines to make the Region of Souss Massa an economic pole in the center of Morocco exploiting its resources and its wealth.
A total public investment of 1.5 billion dirhams will be mobilized by the Project partners, namely SMIT and the Region. The execution of this project will be entrusted to a new local structure to be created by the partners in the form of a dedicated Regional Development Company designated by RDC “Aghroud Aménagement” to which SMIT will delegate the site development mission. This RDC will initially have a share capital of 10 MDH to be borne by the partners.
Beyond the development component of the Aghroud site, the project will relate to the upgrading and the enhancement of two villages located at the level of the Aghroud site as well as the construction of high-potential entertainment equipment to support the tourist attractiveness improvment of the Aghroud site (Corniche, theme parks, entertainment facilities, etc.).
The pace of investment in the destination is losing momentum (ranked 4th destination in terms of tourist investment behind Marrakech, Casablanca and Tangier), a situation that is likely to get worse with the context of the health crisis. This major investment project, in the Aghroud area, comes at the right time to restore confidence in the tourism sector and to support the revival of the investment dynamic. This project will have a great impact on the development of the Region by allowing it to induce a significant investment dynamic (more than 5 billion dirhams of private investment), the creation of a hotel capacity of more than 10,000 beds and the consolidation of the tourist entertainment offer as well as the creation of approximately 6,000 new direct jobs.