Our most valuable resources are our employees. That’s why we are developing a training culture that promotes talent and encourages the development of new collaborative methods.
That is the reason why SMIT has implemented a human resources development policy capable of supporting its growth strategy and meeting all challenges.

Highly qualified human capital

The SMIT’s staff has high-level multidisciplinary profiles (engineers, architects, marketers, etc.), and come from the best national and foreign training institutions. To their credit, years of of practice that allowed them to capitalize the necessary expertise to meet the challenges related to the company’s missions.

Integration that will enhance the sense of belonging

We make every effort to allow our new recruits to familiarize themselves with their new professional environment, to discover the plurality of our professions and toweaving the first links in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere for their working comfort and well-being. 

Training for skills development

SMIT’s human resources benefit from numerous ongoing training sessions to continually improve their skills, trades and managerial capacities as well as their professional performance within their teams

In a logic of anticipating the market requirements, different training programs are designed, taking into account the company’s growth projects, and taking into consideration the specific individual and group needs to ensure a consolidation and transfer of business expertise. But also tp prepare our employees to face new challenges.

Mobility that stimulates career paths

To ensure the self-fulfillment commitments, each year, our employees benefit from a mobility process to bring a new life into their careers, by providing them with exciting and dynamic career development opportunities

Depending on the aspirations of each one, the dedicated managers strive to provide enriching and rewarding gateways