Financial subsidies within the framework of Investment Agreements

These projects must meet the following criteria:

  • Tourism investments (all types of assets) greater than or equal to 100 Mdhs,
  • Allowing the creation of a number of stable jobs, equal to or greater than 250;
  • Be carried out in one of the provinces or prefectures provided for by the aforementioned decree n°2-98-520 of 5 rabii I 1419.
  • Contribute to the protection of the environment

The financial subsidy, granted within the framework of an agreement with the Government, concerns a subsidy of:

  • 20% of expenses related to the acquisition of land supporting the project;
  • 5% of the total amount of the investment program granted in the form of participation in external infrastructures:
  • 20% of the cost of the Vocational Training program

Reference text:

Decree No. 2-00-895 Issued for the Application of Articles 17 and 19 of Framework Law No. 18-95 Forming the Investment Charter

Partners : CRI- Regional Investment Center