Consistency of the mechanism

Tourist Accommodation Institutions(TAI) benefit from a support that allow them to:
Improving the quality of the TAI offer
 Total or partial renovation of the TAI
 Maintenance of TAI equipment and spaces
Improving the quality of service: training, upgrading to standards, digital transformation and structural costs.

The subsidy is granted up to a maximum of 10% of the turnover achieved by the establishment during  2019, capped at 10 Million Dirhams (limited at 8 Million Dirhams for the quality of the offer and limited to  2 Million Dirhams for the quality of service).

The support will be released in two stages 50% after the agreement, on the request for Support presented by the EHT, and the remainder after the achievement and receipt of the upgrade program validated with the contracting authority..

Access to bank debt

Holders of projects for the upgrading and rehabilitation of TAIs in rural areas can benefit from advantageous conditions to access the bank debt provided under the product: « TAJDID IWAA SIYAHI »

Mechanism eligibility

Are eligible for the granting of the support, the institution or individuals owners and/or tenants of a classified TAI fulfilling the following criteria:
• Be a classified tourist accommodation institution within the meaning of the regulations in force;
• Have been in business in 2019 (*);
• Not having paid dividends in 2020;
• to commit not to pay dividends for the 2021 financial year or for the years covered by this agreement.

(*) For TAIs not falling into this category, their requests will be handled exceptionally and on a case-by-case basis by a Special Commission at the central level.

Consistency of the mechanism

Tourist Accommodation Institutions(TAI) benefit from a support that allow them to:
➤ Improving the quality of the TAI offer
➥ Total or partial renovation of the TAI
➥ Maintenance of TAI equipment and spaces
➤ Improving the quality of service: training, upgrading to standards, digital transformation and structural costs.

The subsidy is granted up to a maximum of 10% of the turnover achieved by the establishment during  2019, capped at 10 Million Dirhams (limited at 8 Million Dirhams for the quality of the offer and limited to  2 Million Dirhams for the quality of service).

The support will be released in two stages 50% after the agreement, on the request for Support presented by the EHT, and the remainder after the achievement and receipt of the upgrade program validated with the contracting authority..

Access to bank debt

Holders of projects for the upgrading and rehabilitation of TAIs in rural areas can benefit from advantageous conditions to access the bank debt provided under the product: « TAJDID IWAA SIYAHI »

Mechanism eligibility

Are eligible for the granting of the support, the institution or individuals owners and/or tenants of a classified TAI fulfilling the following criteria:
• Be a classified tourist accommodation institution within the meaning of the regulations in force;
• Have been in business in 2019 (*);
• Not having paid dividends in 2020;
• to commit not to pay dividends for the 2021 financial year or for the years covered by this agreement.

(*) For TAIs not falling into this category, their requests will be handled exceptionally and on a case-by-case basis by a Special Commission at the central level.